Call 612.486.5540 Today to Request a Free Case Evaluation

We’re hopeful we can help you. The first step is for you to tell us about your legal issue. Here is how to start the conversation:

Request a Free Case Evaluation – The best way to get in touch with us is to use our contact form below to request a free case evaluation. Tell us about your legal issue, and we will follow up with you shortly, usually that day or the next business day.

Providing us with some basic information about your issue before we talk helps us figure out if it’s something we can help you with, which is why our receptionists may ask you to fill out this contact form if you call our office to request a free case evaluation.

Your privacy is important to us, and we will treat the information you provide as strictly confidential.


Schedule a Phone Case Evaluation – We strongly recommend that you use our contact form to tell us about your legal issue and request a free case evaluation. In the alternative, you can view our public calendar and reserve a phone case evaluation with us.

A reservation deposit of $20 generally applies, which we will credit back to you if you become our client (we work almost all of our cases under contingent fee arrangements, which means you won’t owe us any legal fees unless we’re able to recover money for you). We will waive the reservation deposit in some situations.


Telephone: 612.486.5540

Fax: 612.605.1944


Office Address:
Law Office of Joshua R. Williams, PLLC
1010 West Lake St. Minneapolis, MN 55408
Minneapolis, MN 55408

View My Calendar

Click here to request a free case evaluation.